Interpreting Dreams

Dream interpretation goes way back to when, well, actually, no one really knows – at least as far back as early civilization, and probably before.

There have been various reasons in the past for interpreting dreams: such as prophecy, predicting the future, entertainment, comfort and self-knowledge.

Many cultures today are still very superstitious about their dreams, and even those who consider themselves Modern or Western will often attach a significant meaning to a dream, especially if it made a powerful impression on their waking thoughts.

Psychologists and psychiatrists are often interested in our dreams, not so much for their portentous meanings, but more because our dreams often reflect underlying wants and needs, which is turn can reflect psychological issues and anxieties.

So, you can see, there are many different reason why you may want to interpret your dreams, be it prophecy or, more commonly, peace of mind, you will find many helpful articles in this section about dream interpretation itself, and the rest of the site for specific details of dreams and their meanings.

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